All of the content you will find here is mostly relevant to the following three domains:

  1. Leadership Development - optimising management meetings and ensuring a strategy to execution reality through effective top-down communication.
  2. Sales - improving your salespeople’s ability to pitch and handle objections and turing on-site not sales teams into proactive sales enablers)
  3. Operations - reducing costly escalation and improving overall collaboration and coordinated execution.


a method enhancing influence by reframing people’s focus from “operational” (What do I need to get done today?) to “value”(What value can I create today for my key stakeholders and critical interfaces?). This methodology trains to listen for, think, communicate and prioritise around real value creation.


is both a mindset and a skill set. It's all about framing every interaction with your key stakeholders (internal as well as external) around their desired business and operational outcomes. It's about understanding that you are the HOW... not the WHAT. Their goals are the centre of attention - you are simply the best means at their disposal. When using this highly counter intuitive approach, we actually increase our chances of influencing our key stakeholders and thus achieving OUR business and operational goals.

A method engendering trust and openness to collaboration, creating more opportunities for making a lasting impact on others and improving our persuasion skills.

Can help us improve our ability to shape the outcomes of diverse scenarios, when learned to be identified and managed.

Improve public speaking and presentation making skills by focusing on 3 key parameters: (a) content selection - ensure the most relevant content is included and the least relevant is excluded. (b) logical sequence - structure the content in the most compatible way for the audience to easily processes it. (c) delivery style - making sure the content is presented in the most engaging and memorable way.

As this a crucial stage in trust building and carries significant impact on the outcome of any meeting.

The matrix management structure enhances domain expertise at the expense of internal collaboration and execution speed. This “cost” can be mitigated and even completely eliminated through effective key stakeholder relationship management. Our “ Are you an Asset or a Burden? ” methodology trains people to proactively manage critical professional relationships as they would any other project using our “6 Relationship KPIs” and “Relationship Dashboard” tools.

A methodology designed specifically for the purpose of ensuring that your leadership teams are engaging with one another in a way that truly lifts the entire organisation. This is done by focusing on 4 KPIs: (a) Northern Star (b) Managerial Independence (c) Silo vs. Crossand (d) Strategic Focus .

Based on 150+ offsites and other company events that we’ve worked on, we’ve identified 6 building blocks to designing and executing a multi-day gathering in a way that boosts the ROI on these massively expensive and logistically complex productions. We help with the planning as well as facilitation of these productions to maximum impact in the service of the business and operational targets they aim to serve.

Is impactful, engaging and memorable, while also boosting our internal sense of community and serves as a competitive differentiator for driving more sales. 

Allows us to present our venture concisely and effectively in front of different audiences, under diverse scenarios and varying times and places. 

Each of the topics above can be delivered as a key note (up to 60 minutes), workshop (up to 3 hours) or training (half/full day). The topics are designed according to a five step methodology:

  1. Expectations- coordinating expectations with the customer.
  2. Mindset- establishing awareness and a strong motivation to adopt new behaviours.
  3. Skill set- providing the right tools and methodologies to effectively adopt these new behaviours.
  4. Top-down reinforcement- maintaining the momentum created during the training for the 12  week period following the training and until the new behaviours become self-sustaining habits.
  5. Measurement- gathering data that can indicate the impact of the new behaviours.